
Need a chuckle or a groan? Here you go...
1. Did you hear about the guy who just found out he was color blind? It hit him right out of the purple!
2. What happened to the lab tech when he fell into the grinder? He made a spectacle of himself.
3. Why is our staff so amazing? They were all bright pupils!
4. Why did the smartphone have to wear glasses? It lost all of its contacts.
5. What did one pupil say to the other? I’m dilated to meet you.
6. What do you call a potato wearing glasses? A Spec-Tater!
7. What do you call an optician living on an Alaskan island? An optical Aleutian.
8. What was the innocent lens’s excuse to the policeman? "I’ve been framed, officer!"
9. Where is the...

In 2020, Alzheimer's Disease International estimated that the number of people living with dementia worldwide - nearly 55 million in 2020 - will almost double every 20 years.
There is no single test that can show if a person has Alzheimer's, but doctors can almost always determine if a person has dementia, although it may be difficult to determine the exact cause. Diagnosing Alzheimer's requires careful medical evaluation, neurological testing, and sometimes brain imaging and blood tests to rule out other causes of dementia.
Most of the testing for early disease - MRI scans of the brain, brain PET scans looking for amyloid, and spinal taps looking for certain proteins in the spinal...